P.4 Post-exam Activity 2022-23 (Skittles Rainbow)

2023-07-06 (星期四)
外籍老師透過課堂活動讓同學接觸STEAM 元素的跨學科實驗, 以豐富的語言環讓同學學習Skittles Rainbow背後擴散作用的原理並透過分享有關的電子圖書加強同學對跨學科閱讀的興趣, 再透過分組活動把科學知識應用出來, 同學們均樂在其中!
【Post-exam activity: Skittles Rainbow】
Today our P4 little ones did a science project, Skittles Rainbow. Miss Tara, the NET teacher explained the concept of diffusion under this experiment. She also read a book about rainbow and sang the song, Somewhere Over the Rainbow together with the students. What a chill lesson!
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